Stewardship in our Community
Welcome to the Stewardship Page
At Holy Cross, we embrace the principles of stewardship as a fundamental aspect of our spiritual journey. Stewardship is not merely a financial obligation, but a way of life rooted in love, gratitude, and responsibility towards God and our community.
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What is Stewardship?
Stewardship, in the context of our faith, is a commitment to recognizing and managing the gifts that God has entrusted to us. These gifts encompass not only our financial resources but also our time, talents, and energy. By practicing good stewardship, we actively participate in the life of the Church, contributing to its growth and vitality.
The Treasure of Stewardship
One of the most valuable gifts we can offer is our time. Engaging in Divine Liturgy and various church activities allows us to build connections, share experiences, and strengthen our community.
God has bestowed unique talents upon each of us. Whether it's music, teaching, administration, or other skills, our talents contribute to the rich tapestry of church life. Discover your talents and how you can use them in the service of others.
Financial contributions play a vital role in sustaining the mission of the Church. Your generous donations support Divine Liturgy, community outreach, and the maintenance of our sacred spaces.
How to Get Involved
Attend Divine Liturgy: Join us for worship services and actively participate in the spiritual life of our community.
Volunteer for Ministries: Explore various ministries and volunteer opportunities within our church. Your involvement makes a significant impact.
Contribute Financially: Consider making regular financial contributions to support the ongoing work of the church. Your generosity enables us to fulfill our mission and serve others.
Our Commitment
At Holy Cross, we are committed to fostering a culture of gratitude and generosity. By embracing the principles of stewardship, we strengthen our bonds with each other and fulfill our shared responsibility to cultivate a thriving, spiritually enriching community.
Join us on this journey of stewardship, as together we build a brighter future for our church and extend God's love to those around us.
For more information or to get involved, please contact the Church office (718)836-3510.